St. Augustine’s, Bristol
In collaboration with clients, LiveWest and St. Augustine’sChurch, we developed a design which included a new Community Centre and 18no. new residential units comprising a mixture of 1 and 2 bedroom flats, and 3 and 4 bedroom houses.
The site was heavily constrained, and the design had to respond to a number of factors including roads, traffic junctions, parkland and the existing housing estate to the south. Our solution was to break the massing up into smaller blocks and position the new houses so they achieved high levels of natural surveillance and quality place making principles. The result is a development which fits its context perfectly.
As Lead Consultant, Architect and Principal Designer we took the lead on the delivery aspects of the project. In order to achieve a high quality finish throughout the development, we worked with the client and main contractor to develop elevations which utilised brickwork detailing and Trespa panelling to ‘frame’ each house, and create something unique to this design. It is the mix of experience and architectural flair which helps our design work so effectively.
We worked closely with the client to ensure that all new homes complied with Lifetime Homes and Design for Life standards to ensure that all homes were adaptable to meet the needs of the residents.
Project completed by Andrew Brown while a Partner at Oxford Architects